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(A Central University by an Act of Parliament)
The Arjun Singh Centre for Distance & Open Learning started in Jamia Millia Islamia with the assistance of Distance Education Council in September 2002. Major objectives of the Centre is to provide opportunities for higher education to those who are not able to draw benefits from formal system of education.
Some of the special features of the distance programmes offered by the Centre for Distance and Open Learning, Jamia Millia Islamia are:
- The students can study from their own chosen place
- The students can study according to their own pace & convenience
- There is flexibility of choosing the combination of courses from a wide range of disciplines.
- Special printed material known as “Self Learning Material” is provided to the students, which helps them in pursuing the programme through distance mode.\
- Providing Counseling Sessions/Contact Programmes, Workshops, Audio Visual Aids and Practical Experience to the students through Student Support Services by establishing a number of study centres and programme centres.
The Open Learning System allows a learner to determine his pace of learning and provides education at the doorstep of the learner. The mode of transaction is through self-learning print material, supplemented by audio and video programmes. It has further scope of students accessing material through internet and various other media.
Distance Programmes 2011-2012
12.1 M.A. – English (MEG) ……………………………………………………………29
12.2 M.A. – Hindi (MHD) ………………………………………………………………30
12.3 M.A. – Sociology (MAS)………………………………………………………….30
12.4 M.A. –History (MAH) ……………………………………………………………..31
12.5 M. A. – Human Resource Management ( MHRM ) ……………………..32
12.6 M.A. – Public Administration (MAPA) ……………………………………..33
12.7 M.A. – Political Science (MAPS) ………………………………………………34
12.8 Master of Commerce (MCOM) …………………………………………………35
12.9 M.A. – Education (MAE) …………………………………………………………36
12.10 Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) …………………………………………………..37
12.11 Bachelor of Arts – General (BAG) …………………………………………….40
12.12 Bachelor of Commerce (BCOM) ……………………………………………….42
12.13 Bachelor of International Business & Finance (BIBF) …………………43
12.14 Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS)…………………………………………..44
12.15 Post Graduate Diploma in Guidance & Counselling (PGDGC) ……..47
12.16 Post Graduate Diploma in Geoinformatics (PGDGI) ……………………48
12.17 Adv. Dip. in Computer Hardware & Network Tech. (ADCHNT)……… 49
12.18 Diploma in Electrical Engineering (DEE) ………………………………….50
12.19 Diploma in Power Generation Engineering (DPGE) …………………….52
12.20 Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education (DECCE)………….55
12.21 Certificate in Computer & Information Technology (CCIT ) ……………. 56
13. Admission Schedule of Programmes offered by ASCDOL ……………………..57
14. Fee Structure of all Programmes ………………………………………………………….58
15. Programme/Study Centres with their Codes …………………………………………..59
16. Annexures (for B.Ed only) …………………………………………………………………..61
17. Syllabi for Entrance Test ……………………………………………………………………62
17.1 Diploma in Power Generation Engineering (DPGE) & ………………….62
Diploma in Electrical Engineering (DEE) ……………………………………62
17.2 Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) ……………………………………………63
18. Recognised Courses of Arabic Madarsas / Institutions …………………………………..64
19. Instructions for filling up of the Entrance Test OMR Sheet …………………………….66
20. Sample Answer Sheet ………………………………………………………………………………..67
21. Instructions for filling up the Answer-Sheet……………………………….. ……..68