How to Start

Step1 :

• Understand the Franchisee proposal. If interested, Download this Application Form and fill in all the details. After     completion, send the form to IICT New Delhi Office or email the same to [email protected]
• Upon review of your application, you will be invited to meet Franchisee Operation Officers at the IICT Moradabad/ Noida office.
   After an initial deposit of Rs.10,000/- (100% refundable), you will be given an ID to review the documents and the    agreement.

Step2 :

• You will be required to deposit an amount of Rs.25,000/- through PO/DD in favour of “Indian Institute of Computer     Technology” payable at New Delhi.

• On realization of payment, a IICT representative will visit your site. A face-to-face meeting shall take place between you    and a IICT representative. This is the most important part of this process, you will be given a detailed introduction to IICT    during which the franchising opportunity will be discussed at length. We recommend that you have two or more site    options where you intend to open the centre so that we are in a position to choose the best option.

• The IICT representative will submit a detailed SITE VISIT report of your location(s). If your site is not approved due to any    reason, the deposited amount will be refunded to you after deducting a fixed sum of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand    only) against expenditures incurred during the above procedure

Step 3 :

• If your Site is approved, you will be required to submit the Site Plan and the balance of the Franchisee fee through PO/DD    payable at IICT New Delhi/Moradabad office.

• A IICT representative will fix your appointment with the IICT Management in order to complete the formalities of signing    the Franchisee Agreement. You will be required to sign the documents in person at the IICT New Delhi Head Office, along    with one more person from your side as witness. Once the agreement is signed and payments are realized, IICT representative will set up your sub domain account, and    start further proceedings required to establish your centre.