Software Quality Testing Course Curriculum


Briefing about SDLC
Briefing abut STLC
Business scenarios related to testing.
Interview Questions and answers.
Detailed Manual testing concepts.

SE Concepts

V – Model for testing
Configuration Management Basics
Build and Release Process (Patch and hot fix testing strategy)
Bug tracking tool basics.

Performance Testing (Motivation: Candidate should have the complete knowledge of the flow of http request and how to track the performance of the application)

Web based architecture.
Fundamentals of Performance Testing.
Performance testing in depth.
Database performance testing: SQL Profiler
Web based performance testing: Rational Virtual User Scripts

What tester does in the organization? (Motivation: Candidate should have the complete knowledge to write the test case for any application in the world)

Briefing about Test Plan
Creation of Test Plan
Strategy for covering maximum test cases in minimum time.
Writing the test cases for a live application.
Live interviews with technical and HR professionals.

Functional Testing Automation (Motivation: Candidate should have the complete knowledge to make the test suites and handle the automation project individually)

Architecture for automation: Complete knowledge about the flow of automation.
Why do you automate?
What do you automate?
Data driven testing?
Making the automation framework.
Starting the project automation from the scratch where we give student the maximum exposure in terms for automation.
Live interviews with technical and HR professionals.

Rational Robot (Motivation: Candidate need to have the complete understanding about the automating the project using Rational Robot)

Scripts for functional testing automation. We need to understand here the various modes of recording
Verification Points: How to implement various verification points to decide the test case to pass or fail.
Data driven Testing: Study the algorithm and the scripts to make the test case data driven.
Header and Library files : Educate the Candidate for creating the user made header and the library file.
Live interviews with technical and HR professionals.

Rational Test Manager (Motivation: Candidate need to know the motivation of combining the scripts and making the test suite)

How to make test plans for automation?
Best way to create the test suite.
Making datapools to make the test cases data driven

Testing Processes and Role of the test engineer in the company. (Motivation: Candidate needs to be perfect in all the processes and role he performs in the company.) Processes and Plans: Build life cycle, project discussion tactics, issue resolving.

How to file a good bug?
How do you plan your work in the office?
What are the challenges that you faced in the last 2-3 year of your experience in the company.
Process that you have learned.
Prepare the values that you have added in the company since last 2-3 years of experience.
HR questions preparation.
Live interviews with technical and HR professionals.

Configuration Management. (Motivation: Candidate needs to have a sound knowledge of configuration management and management of various environments)

Setting up and maintaining the environments for parallel development and testing. This is to have the ownership of System Integration testing Environment.
Installer testing: Testing the installers using installshield Multiplatform 7.02.
Maintaining the testing modules and various testing scripts in the repository
Learning the development of installers using Installshield Multiplatform 7.02. This will give a candidate the separate space in the market in the field of the development as well as testing.
Build and Release process automation: Making the build and release processes automated using shell scripting.
Repository management: Managing the repository and the code for projects in the company. Tagging the files and maintaining the repository to support parallel development.

Mercury Tools QTP, Winrunner and Test director. (Motivation: Candidate needs to have a sound knowledge of mercury tools so that if the requirement in the market saysmercury we are ready)

Recording: Various types of recordings supported in the tool.
Data Driven Testing: Making the testing scripts data driven.
Checkpoints: Hands on experience on checkpoints.
Synchronization Points: Hands on experience on checkpoints on live project.
Test Director: Planning the tests, executing the tests and filing the bugs.
Test Director + Winrunner : Process to integrate test director with winrunner. All the planning, execution of the scripts written in winrunner can be done by using test directors.

Load Runner

Familiarity with Load Runner controller
Scenario creation
Job scheduling
Graph Analysis

Testing Strategy-1

Web application testing strategy

Testing Strategy-2

Security testing strategy
Testing Strategy-3
Client Server application testing
Risk management
Checking software Changes


Drivers, Stubbs
Basis Path Testing
Software Matrix
Configuration Management
Release Management
Test Harness
Winrunner Basics
TSL familiarization
WR recording modes
GUI Files/GUI Spy
GUI Check Points
Synchronization Point
Data Base Check points
Bitmap check points
Text check points
Data Driven testing
Exception handling
Batch testing
Check Points
Check Points
Advance Scripts
Basics of Unix
Most frequently used UNIX commands
CMM level and KPA
Questions & Answers